
Washed Out “The Hardest Part” / Paul Trillo (US)
AI in Art Award 2024
A trip and a fall down memory lane. A continuous push forward through time tracking the relationship of a couple from middle school into the afterlife. This is the first official commissioned music video collaboration between a music artist and filmmaker made with OpenAI's Sora video model. "Moving on is the hardest part". This video is about learning to let go of a loved one and dreaming of them after they are gone. But memories are subjective, distorted mirrors of reality. For this, I leaned into the hallucinations and Sora's dream logic to explore memories that never existed. I was interested in the surreal qualities unique to Sora / AI that differentiate it from reality, the space between canny and uncanny, the strange details, the dream-like logic of movement that better represents this distorted mirror of memories.
Photo: Paul Trillo

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