
Call for Applications Sandberg Institute Masters of Art and Design

Program 2015 - 2016 Sandberg Institute’s remodeled Fine Arts department retains its focus on autonomy and making, while addressing the social and economic roles and implications of these traditional parameters of art production. Structurally, the program rethinks conventional notions of the division of artistic labor by placing different aspects of production into three open models: Language, Image, Play/Object. A main tutor develops the curriculum for each model over the course of two years, during which the Sandberg Institute functions as a base, enabling each program to modify and manifest itself internally as well as externally.Like snakeskin, Fine Arts is a tailor-made form of education that’s constantly changing and adapting itself to the given situation in order to guide artistic practitioners to position and differentiate their bodies of work. The models functions merely as anchors from which ideas are being developed. Models Language Language is of language and about language: language as description, and the languages of what is seen, heard and written. The program is divided between the development of artistic practice and the broadening (through specific tasks) of ways of seeing and working. Language takes a holistic approach to the making of art, expanding and exploring our notions of what artistic practice can include. Image Image centres around the notion of representation, time and context in various (audio-) visual practices. Although the program will not disregard technical or formal considerations, nor issues of public presentation, the emphasis will be on the development of individual strategies for production: strategies for processing and materializing thought, intuition and knowledge; strategies commonly developed through making-experience and through the consideration of the strategies of others. Several times a year, the Image group spends some days together in a group critique, an elaborate session of thinking and talking through each other’s works (in progress). Common interests that emerge through these sessions can be addressed with the help of expertise that is invited accordingly. Play/Object Play/Object focuses on the contemporary constructions of ‘performativity’ and object-based productions within a cross-disciplinary, public context. It concentrates on the creation and practice of making, with particular attention to how objects interact with time and value. Exploring performative aspects of display (including the ways in which specific materials act in history), this program considers themes such as the “outsider” position of an ancient object/artifact, and how it is subject to abstractions of thought and language. Activities might include journeys to see specific objects or processes first hand, experiments in collective authorship and using another’s practise as an adjunct to ones own thinking, a visit to the stock exchange or commercial docks, and a rifle through a institutional storage systems, holdings and archives. Students The Fine Arts department is looking for eager, active, and ambitious students who are willing to participate in group tutorials, workshops and other forms education. We are looking authentic makers and thinkers who are open to fundamental reflection on their work. A sound background in art or possession of equivalent expertise in affiliated fields is required. Candidate students will be evaluated on their motivation, previous experience, and portfolio. The admission committee will focus on the authenticity, artistry, and autonomous visual quality of the work presented. Students who have successfully completed the Fine Arts Master’s program earn a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree. Faculty Course directors Krist Gruijthuijsen (NL), Maxine Kopsa (NL/CA) Coordinator Judith Leysner (NL) Main tutors Gintaras Didziapetris (LT), Nicoline van Harskamp (NL), Lucy Skaer (UK) Regular tutors Jeroen Boomgaard (NL), Aaron Schuster (US) Raimundas Malasauskas (LT), Jason Dodge (US) Application deadline: 1st April 2015 For further information on the application procedure, please check: www.sandberg.nl

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