
Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå University Seeking a Professor of Fine Arts

Application deadline: March 16, 2015 Reference number: AN 2.2.1-4-15 Umeå University is investing in creative environments for learning and work. We offer attractive education, world-leading research and excellent innovation and collaboration opportunities. Umeå University has already been chosen by more than 4,300 employees and more than 32,400 students. You are invited to submit your application! The Umeå Academy of Fine Arts was established in 1987 and is a department within the Faculty of Arts at Umeå University, Sweden. The Academy has about 70 students in the program Fine Arts, about 20 employees and extensive guest positions for traveling artists, critics, and curators with lectures, workshops and seminars. The Academy of Fine Arts is an independent institution within the new campus, which also houses the Museum of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture, the School of Architecture, Institute of Design and Humlab X. The program has two degree levels: a Bachelor of Fine Arts (three years) and a Master's of Fine Arts (two years). There is also a PhD program in Fine Arts and independent courses in Aesthetics. The education is oriented towards international contemporary art. The appointment as a Professor of Fine Arts is connected to all educational levels within the art academy, along with the independent courses in aesthetics and postgraduate education. The position includes mainly artistic supervision and teaching, as well as administrative and management duties within the institution. The development of undergraduate education, in collaboration with other professors, teachers, other staff and students is expected. The position includes artistic research and is for five years with the possibility of extension. The appointment as a Professor of Fine Arts requires qualified artistic and pedagogical skills. Teaching skills are given the same priority in the assessment of applications as artistic skills. For the appointment as Professor it is important that the applicant demonstrate a willingness to develop the Art Academy and the field of artistic research. Good language skills in English are required. The workplace is in Umeå and a high attendance at work is necessary. Applications must be follow the Faculty of Arts guidelines. For the artistic activity, the applicant shall provide a brief written report with a description/list of 20 artistic works cited. Applications may be submitted either electronically (MS Word or PDF format) or in paper format. Applicants who are called for interview will also give a lecture at the Academy of Fine Arts. For more information contact Head of Department Micael Norberg, T +090 786 69 95; or Deputy Head Swetlana Heger-Davis, T +090 86 93 27. Documents sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format. Your application marked with the relevant reference number (AN 2.2.1-4-15) should be sent to iobb@iumu.se (state the reference number as subject) or to: Umeå University Umeå Academy of Fine Arts SE-901 87 Umeå Sweden www.art.umu.se

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