
Call for applications for Botín Foundation Visual Arts Grants and art workshop 2014

International call for applications for Botín Foundation Visual Arts Grants and art workshop 2014 Application deadline: April 30, 2014 Botín Foundation Pedrueca 1, 39003 Santander Spain T +34 942 226 072 info@fundacionbotin.org www.fundacionbotin.org Botín Foundation Visual Arts Grants and art workshop 2014 The Botín Foundation, Spain's leading private foundation in terms of the scale of its investment, launches an international call for its yearly Visual Arts Grants, and for its summer workshop, to be directed this year by Cuban artist Carlos Garaicoa. International Visual Arts Grants 22nd call 2014–2015 The Visual Arts Grants provide artists with financial support for education, research and the undertaking of personal projects in the sphere of artistic work. To conclude the grant cycle, the Botín Foundation organizes a group exhibition featuring works by all the grantees, and accompanied by a catalogue. The call is open to individuals of any nationality; applicants must be over 23 and under 40. The deadline for submitting applications is April 30, at 2pm. All applications must be filled out online www.fundacionbotin.org. The other documents must be sent to the Botín Foundation in Santander. Works of artists selected in the last edition can be seen in the video of Itinerarios 2012–2013 here. Summer workshop The workshop will be led by Cuban artist Carlos Garaicoa and will take place in Santander (North of Spain) from June 30 to July 11. The workshop will admit a maximum of 15 artists. Applicants from any nationality will be considered. Participants who do not reside in Cantabria will be provided with free shared accommodation and a stipend of 455 Euros, paid at the end of the workshop. Applications must be submitted online by April 30. Terms and conditions at www.fundacionbotin.org.

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