
Call for Applications: Frieze Artist Award 2016, Supported by LUMA Foundation

Now welcoming applications, the Frieze Artist Award is an international, open call for an artist between 25–40 years of age to realize a major site-specific work at Frieze London 2016. The winning commission will be presented as part of Frieze Projects, the fair’s celebrated non-profit programme established in 2003, and curated by the newly appointed Raphael Gygax. Frieze Projects and the Frieze Artist Award are supported by the LUMA Foundation. Entrance to the Award is by open submission. Proposals should be new works, which respond to the dynamic environment of the London fair; and applicants will be evaluated on the innovative nature of their proposal and its potential for realization. Produced under the guidance of Curator Raphael Gygax and the Frieze Projects team, the Award will include a budget of up to £20,000 for production, research and development, artist fees and travel expenses. The closing date for applications is 10 February 2016 at 17:00 GMT. Proposals will be reviewed by a selection panel including Marvin Gaye Chetwynd (artist), Beatrix Ruf (Director, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam) and Bettina Steinbrügge (Director, Kunstverein Hamburg), chaired by Jo Stella-Sawicka (Artistic Director, Frieze fairs). The winner will be announced in the Spring of 2016. More details at: http://www.friezeprojects.org/faa-award

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