
Call: Frieze Projects seeks curator

Frieze Projects seeks curator Application deadline: 14 August 2015 frieze.com Frieze seeks an experienced curator to oversee and direct the celebrated non-profit programme for Frieze London 2016. Encompassing Frieze Projects, Frieze Film, Frieze Music and the Frieze Artist's Award, the programme invites artists from a spectrum of disciplines to present ambitious, site-specific work at one of the world's leading contemporary art fairs. Frieze Projects and the Frieze Artist Award are supported by the LUMA Foundation. Reporting to the Artistic Director and assisted by an Associate Curator, the Curator will have sole responsibility for the delivery of a high-profile and innovative commissioning programme at Frieze London, which takes place annually in October. Artists participating in Frieze Projects 2003–15 have included Cory Arcangel, Charles Atlas, Lutz Bacher, Jérôme Bel, Spartacus Chetwynd, Ryan Gander, Pierre Huyghe, Christian Jankowski, Nick Mauss, Meredith Monk, Mike Nelson, Ken Okiishi, Laure Prouvost, Kara Walker and Cerith Wyn Evans. The Curator will build on the critically acclaimed platform initiated by Polly Staple in 2003 and continued by Neville Wakefield, Sarah McCrory and, most recently, Nicola Lees. For a full job description and how to apply, please visit frieze.com/vacancies. For further information on Frieze Projects, please visit friezeprojects.org

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