
Call for projects: Perspektive

Next call for projects from 12 October 2015 Perspektive Bureau des arts plastiques et de l’architecture Institut français Germany Wilhelmstrasse 69 10117 Berlin T +49 (0)30 590 039 244 dossier@fonds-perspektive.de www.fonds-perspektive.de Perspektive is a German-French fund for contemporary art and architecture initiated by the Bureau des arts plastiques of the Institut français in Germany and the French Embassy in Berlin. Perspektive aims to promote and develop the artistic collaboration between France and Germany. Perspektive supports projects that promote direct and personal exchange between the emerging scene in the fields of contemporary art and architecture. Perspektive encourages the internationalisation of the art scene by supporting public meetings such as seminars, workshops, conferences and symposiums in both countries. Applications are welcomed from projects that emphasis interaction and exchange between emerging artists, architects and curators and contribute to the dissemination of ideas, discourse and works. Perspektive is exclusively aimed at institutions active in the fields of contemporary art and architecture—museums, art centres, Kunstvereins, galleries, project spaces and architecture offices. The next call for projects starts on the 12 October 2015. The submitted projects will have to take place in 2016. Applications must be made by production organisations and not by individuals. An independent German-French expert committee will select the projects to be supported. For more information about Perspektive and the granted projects in 2015, please visit www.fonds-perspektive.de Press contact: Silke Neumann silke.neumann@bureau-n.de T +49 (0)30 627 36 102

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