
Studio XX Programming

Founded in 1996, Studio XX is a bilingual feminist artist-run centre for technological exploration, creation and critical reflection. XX supports independent media arts production and offers a platform for a multiplicity of territories, voices and creative actions by artists who identify as women, trans or dissident in the contemporary technological landscape. Demystifying, providing access, equipping, questioning and creating, these are the aims of Studio XX. We actively participate in the development of a digital democracy that encourages autonomy and collaboration. We support creative practice at the intersection of three elements: the development of technological art from a feminist perspective with a DIY approach. WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR Studio XX is seeking critical, creative digital arts submissions for our public events and/or training workshops. Studio XX welcomes project proposals from self-identified women, trans and gender non conforming artists, curators, activists, collectives, and organizations. Examples of media/ formats: internet, audio, video, electronic art, radio interventions, installations, locative media projects, 3D animation, games, augmented reality, digital storytelling, public interventions, open source and community-based practices, BioArt, performance and interdisciplinary practices, workshops, roundtables-or something so innovative, we haven’t even heard of it... WHAT WE OFFER Studio XX offers artist fees based on CQAM grid. Selected projects receive artistic and technical support (* to be defined according to each project and available resources). * Please note this is not a call for projects that require production support; works submitted must be ready for presentation. SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES To submit a proposal to Studio XX, send the application in a .zip or .pdf file (max. file size 5 MB) to programmation@studioxx.org, by midnight Sunday, August 16, 2015. Please download and complete the application form and include the required documents. Incomplete or late applications will be not be considered. All applicants will receive a confirmation of receipt. Selected participants will be notified by the Programming Committee in September 2015. For more information: www.studioxx.org For questions and further inquiries, please contact us: info@studioxx.org

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