
PRISMA Human Rights Photo Contest, Venice

PRISMA Human Rights Photo Contest Award Ceremony 11 September 2015 Photo Exhibition 11 September to 11 October 2015 Monastery of San Nicolò, Lido - Venice Deadline for competition: 30 June 2015 How to apply: submit your photo by registering on PRISMA website PRISMA is organised by The Global Campus of Master’s Programmes and Diplomas in Human Rights and Democratisation The first edition of PRISMA Human Rights Photo Contest was officially launched during the Venice Art Biennale opening, with Alfredo Jaar as a special guest, at My Art Guides: Venice Meeting Point. The photo contest is open from May 1 and will accept submissions through June 30 2015. Photographers, professional and amateur, from any part of the world are invited to submit their work. The contest is organised by The Global Campus of Master’s Programmes and Diplomas in Human Rights and Democratisation in collaboration with Lightbox. The selected images will be displayed, along with photographs by the special guest photographer Rena Effendi, in an exhibition in Venice, at the Monastery of San Nicolò, the premises of the European Inter­-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) from the 11th of September 2015, during the 72nd Venice International Film Festival. The goal of PRISMA is to complement academic research with other media of knowledge, such as photography, to reach a wider international public and foster a better understanding of human rights issues and their protection. PRISMA aims at being not only a photographic contest but also to become an annual event for photography on human rights worldwide. Furthermore, PRISMA’s purpose is to create a network of artists, intellectuals and professionals interested in strengthening the protection of human rights and the promotion of democracy and peace. The theme for the 2015 edition is “Freedom”. The value of Freedom is at the very core of the concept of human rights: freedom from oppression, freedom of movement, freedom of speech and belief, freedom from fear, freedom of thought and freedom of opinion. The images submitted for the photo competition should illustrate the relevance of “Freedom” as a fundamental human right and the importance of defending it. For more detailed information please visit PRISMA For press enquiries please contact Lightbox press office Elena Pardini: elena@lightboxgroup.net

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