
periscope:project:space Open Call for the Exhibition Programme 2015

periscope’s call for 2015 is addressed to Austrian and international artists, who have ideas and concepts but had little chance to realise them yet. Furthermore our focus in this year’s progamme lies on the following: Contemporary artists often refer in their works to initial models and their interpretation. Thus new and re-interpretations, continuations or rejections develop. periscope would like to make these reference systems visible. The open call for 2015 is addressing artists who investigate references in and to their work - who are interested in examining their involvement and making it site-specifically visible. (Floorplan: www.periscope.at) We are looking forward to your digital submission by mail to opencall.periscope@gmail.com - including the following: • documentation of the artistic work • proposal, draft, outlines (max. 400 words) • CV Entry deadline: October 15 2014. periscope:project:space Sterneckstraße 10 5020 Salzburg - Austria www. periscope.at / ++43 6767042566

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