
LIVE WORKS performance art award / Vol.2

A CENTRALE FIES project in collaboration with Viafarini DOCVA LIVE WORKS _ performance Art Award / Vol. 2 second edition - deadline April 29th 2014 competition announcement on centralefies.it Vol. 2 The collaborating project between CENTRALE FIES and Viafarini DOCVA starts again. Live Works – Performance Art Award, curated by Barbara Boninsegna, Simone Frangi and Denis Isaia, the price focused on Performance arts.? The prize is unique in its particular attention to hybrid research, underlining the “openness” and fluidity of performance, its social and political implications and its level of public understandability. The prize aims to measure the concreteness of performance art in the real world, investigating the double of nature of LIVE – “in person” and “alive” – highlighting those moments in which performance integrates with the dynamics of life. Something new: Instead of 5, this time 9 finalists will have the right to get a period of residency plus curatorship and production support in the rooms of Centrale Fies. The call is open to a wide range of emerging performative actions, including: media arts, lecture performances, task performances, text-based performances and multimedia storytelling, relational practices and workshop-based projects, flash mobs, politically engaged and activist projects, experience design, fashion design and relational urbanism. During the residency time (1st-10th July 2014) Centrale Fies will make available a technician and a production magager for the artists in order to develop the selected projects, with the chance to get direct advices from the curators. The selected projects will be presented during the 34th editions of the Drodesera Festival, on the 28th, 29th and 30th July 2014. During these evenings, a jury panel of practitioners of various disciplines will award the winner of the 2nd edition of Live Works with a price of 1.000 euro and a further production residency period at Centrale Fies during fall-winter 2014-2015. The Live Works jury is composed by: Giorgio Agamben, philosopher (president). Daniel Blanga Gubbay, researcher in political philosophy for the arts (Düsseldorf). Barbara Boninsegna, Centrale Fies artistic director. Simone Frangi, Viafarini DOCVA curator. Denis Isaia, indipendent curator. Jiri Kovanda, artist. Antonio Marras, Italia fashion designer. Cristiano Seganfreddo, cultural producer, general manager Associazione Progetto Marzotto and scientific director of Corriere Innovazione. The complete competition announcement and information is available on Centrale Fies.com

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