
Apply for Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts

Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts Salzburg Summer Academy: Call for applications Apply now 21 July – 30 August 2014 office@summeracademy.at T +43 662 842113 www.summeracademy.at About the Summer Academy Programme The 2014 Summer Academy offers 21 courses of between one and four weeks—18 in Hohensalzburg Fortress, one in the Kiefer quarry in Fürstenbrunn and two in temporary venues in the city. How does the world come into the picture? * This is the motto of the Summer Academy's widely varied programme. It deals with the particular ability of the fine arts to generate "images" of the increasingly impenetrable world, both of its superficial outward appearance and of social and political conditions. Thus Amelie von Wulffen begins her course with the question of how artists appropriate the world, and how it then develops into a picture, and Norbert Bisky investigates the relation between perception and image-finding. Together with his students, Doug Ashford carries out research and practical experiment on the nature of human life, bodies and politics. By establishing direct on-site collaboration, Tobias Zielony concentrates specifically on the use of photography to show the life-worlds of young people. What's new in 2014? For the first time, the Summer Academy offers a course in The Art of Writing, with art historian, critic and writer Jennifer Allen. Since the Summer Academy programme opened up to include further artistic disciplines, starting with curatorial practice, this is a logical continuation. Cinéma copains (Arne Hector/Minze Tummescheit) demonstrate how artists today can work with analogue film in their own dark-room, showing a method developed by artists in recent years parallel to the disappearance of analogue film. Robert Ku?mirowski will direct the Summer Academy's first course in the genre "Public Art"; students will move around in the city from a "home base", exploring possible and impossible ways to realise both collaborative and individual projects. In another "first", Olga Chernysheva and Anna Jermolaewa together with their students, will work closely with the curators in Anders Kreuger's course, and reflect on how pictures function and what they signify. They will also collaborate in mounting a final presentation. The programme approaches topical questions of contemporary art, curating and writing about art. The course subjects, the techniques taught and the teaching methods are widely diverse, but the link between them is the quest for contemporaneity – examining current aesthetic, political, social – and thus artistic – questions, and for new forms of expression. * The title of Amelie von Wulffen's course Teaching artists in 2014 Nancy Adajania, Jennifer Allen, Doug Ashford, Kader Attia, Sarnath Banerjee, Norbert Bisky, Olga Chernysheva/Anna Jermolaewa, cinéma copains (Arne Hector/Minze Tummescheit), Charlotte Cullinan, Adriana Czernin, Felix Gmelin, Ellen Harvey, Anders Kreuger, Robert Ku?mirowski, Peter Niedertscheider, Lukas Pusch, Lucy Sarneel, Elisabeth Schmirl, Paolo Woods, Amelie von Wulffen, Tobias Zielony See here detailed description of the courses and biographies of the teaching artists. Regular application The Salzburg Summer Academy is open to anyone interested. The high quality of the courses is guaranteed by the requirement that all prospective participants must apply for acceptance. On the basis of the submitted dossier, the teaching artists select participants. The fees are between 440.- and 1,160.- EUR, depending on the duration of the course. Students are entitled to a reduced fee. All application received by 15 May 2014 will be treated equally. Later applications are welcome, and will be processed in the order received, according to vacancies in the courses. More info Grants The Summer Academy offers numerous grants, covering tuition fee to participate in one of the courses. Application deadline 1 April 2014. More info

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