
International photography open call: Industrial Heritage

This open call aims to interrogate the role photography can play in shaping our understanding of the industrial development throughout history, which remains evident in a wide array of manifestations today; from architectural heritage, through the transformation of both urban and rural landscapes, to the local and global ecological ramifications of industrialization. For this reason, we expanded the guidelines of this open-call to include works that not only deal with industrial heritage concerning material historical remains, but encompass works that thematically deal with local traditions as well as personal accounts, and more generally, with the current state of our civilization through the prism of ecology. We wish to emphasize the latter more since the state of the climate and the environment is largely a result of industrialization and its influence it had on the way of life. In this sense we consider ecological effects of industrialization as “industrial heritage” for this open-call.

You can apply to this open-call with works or projects that fall under the following thematic groups:

a) Industrial heritage as architecture (photographs of buildings, their exteriors or interiors, architectural details of buildings, urban transformations etc.).
b) Industrial heritage as environmental and ecological heritage (effected and/or degraded environments, still functionating polluters of the industrial era, ecological ramifications of industrialization etc.).
c) Material industrial heritage (mechanization, machinery, industrial equipment, means of transport etc.).
d) Photography narratives that are connected to industrial heritage in more general ways (photographs of working-class neighborhoods, of former factory workers, unemployed workers etc.).

Submission deadline
The applications should be submitted by 30 April 2020.

Contact information
For additional information contact us at spela@photon.si
and phone number +386 69 911 615 (Monday to Friday from 12 to 6 pm); contact person: Špela Pipan

For more information on how to apply --> follow this link
Abbildung: © Virginia Vrecl, Izola Arrigoni, 2019

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